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# Loading required package: data.table


A great deal of the current package is dedicated to theming and reporting means. Communication is a central skill in nowadays data analysis, therefore the following achievements are seeked:
- Standardization: sign of professionalism, makes a greater visual impact and allows better storytelling.
- Time Saving: standard themes provide the code and arrangements, saving typing and thinking on visual aspects.
- Spillover Effect: more time and energy available for analytical aspects.

Theme Elements:

For these purposes, the package contains:
- Report PDF/HTML ready: A curated skeleton easy and lightweight to rendering thanks to pagedown, with front and back cover. Available in the Rmarkdown Templates.
- Quick HTML Document: a simple HTML document, lightweight and concise. Available in the Rmarkdown Templates.
- ggplot2 theme: a ready out-of-the-box theme for plots via theme function.
- + theme_innteam()
- PNG export: optional with the ggplot2 theme, this option allows to print plots as PNG’s with a brand bottom banner.
- export_png()